Pre Primary
Pre Primary class is the first interaction of a child in the formal education. Although a child starts learning even before he/she starts to speak or to walk. But the formal learning starts from the school.
Pre-Primary class is our school is total play way method class. We aim to make education stress less and more interesting. Keeping this in view we have introduced play way method teaching approach in pre-primary class.
The aim of pre primary class is to prepare children for formal schooling. Pre Primary class is a bridge between home and school environments. Hence, creating a child friendly environment that is very important. Children must not feel any burden of study at this age. Fun, joy and learning must be the part of curriculum. With different learning aids we provide such environment where a child learn without knowing that he.she is actually studying. Also we have provided different toys to keep students active and entertained.
At the end of the year students must be able to recognise and write alphabets in all three languages.
With the idea of keeping students burden free, we have planned bag free education for pre-primary students.
Age Limit:
We have combined pre school classes i.e. nursery and KG into one. A child aged between 3.5 years to 4 years as on 1st April can be admitted in Pre Primary class.